Press Release
Two artists, two generations. Two first major retrospectives that complement each other in their conceptual approaches. One weaves what she sees, draws and writes what she dreams, takes photos from the plane and is famous for her cuisine. The other, a generation younger, starts with painting, expands into space, creates landscapes, and devotes himself to conceptual and minimal art from the perspective of everything alive. Carpets overgrown with grass, snails in a Donald Judd, ducks mapping the studio. What unites both is the consistently inclusive and eternally inquiring gaze from a distance.
The exhibition at the Kunsthaus Graz brings together works by Ingrid Wiener and Martin Roth giving rise to a world of wonderous networks. Ingrid Wieners dream drawings, her goblins and films, often created in exchange with others and her immediate environment, are juxtaposed with the installations, films and two-
The show creates an artistic dialogue as symbiosis of life and things, in which time and space is interwoven. It depicts a world that seems reminiscent of Haraway's famous Chthulucene: man is fleeting here—well placed not at the center but at the edges of these ever-
Curated by Katrin Bucher Trantow, Michaela Leutzendorff Pakesch
Top: Martin Roth, In November 2014 I filmed a bird driving to the salton sea in California (film detail), 2014. Courtesy of Archiv Martin Roth. © Bildrecht, Wien 2023. Bottom: Ingrid Wiener, Flusslandschaften von oben, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alaska, 1988–2001. © Ingrid Wiener.
Exhibition 10 February -
© ArtCatalyse International / Marika Prévosto 2023. All Rights Reserved