Is man’s relationship to the cosmos the most controversial, recalcitrant and unfinished project of humanity?
A long history of ideas, philosophies, sciences, arts, politics and global events seems to confirm this tumultuous relationship and its pending matters, as it becomes increasingly evident that treating the political in terms of a relationship limited only among humans is insufficient, and that all the world’s species, things and beings must be represented in a sustainable symbiosis.
The exhibition Paratoxic Paradoxes presents new works of moving image that explore this critical question through the contemporary viewpoint of political ecology and eco-
The exhibition is the first public presentation of a capsule of 11 original artworks created, within the last two years, through commissions to artists around the world by the cultural not-
Being the first of a series of such experimental ventures pursued by the PCAI platform, this capsule begins with a study of the physical parameters and effects, the symbolic, psychological and socioeconomic implications of two—seemingly simple yet quite vague and ambiguous—terms and the multifaceted reality they reflect: "toxic" and "waste."
It explores the parallel readings of the redundant and the rejected, of that which is manageable yet elusive, of the amorphous and the anarchic, the abundant and the dwindling, the repulsive and the repressed, the excessive and the grotesque, the viral and the virulent, the processed and the possessed.
Paratoxic Paradoxes recognises as urgent and essential the demand of thinking people, activists, artists, scientists, grass roots movements and productive forces to "stay with the trouble" of the world in symbiotic terms (as Donna Haraway voices it); to adopt a new "natural contract" by redefining our relationship with materials, nonhuman forms of life and environments and removing the waste of appropriation and exploitation until the advent of what Michel Serres calls "Mundus res nullius" (world object of none); to put a stop to colonialist manipulation and the objectification of nature; and to activate new praxis of ethical-
The event comes as yet another unexpected hub of transmission from a "Greece in crisis," convinced that such an act is useful precisely because it seems paradoxical, overstated, superfluous; a luxury, or even "pollutant," wasteful. And it is topical not despite the crisis but because of it.
The participating artists are: Loukia Alavanou, Sophia Al Maria, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Vasilis P. Karouk, Anja Kirschner, Eva Kot'átková, Saskia Olde Wolbers, Eva Papamargariti, Agnieszka Polska, Mika Rottenberg, Wu Tsang.
The exhibition is designed by architect Malvina Panagiotidi and complemented by a series of talks by international speakers (program to be announced), educational activities and print materials designed by Em Kei.
Exhibition 23 March -
© ArtCatalyse International / Marika Prévosto 2017. All Rights Reserved